Cooking steak infographic from Jamie Oliver Barbecoa

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This is the time of year when cooking meat that you wouldn’t normally cook.   Even a steak can be daunting when you aren’t used to it.  You don’t need to spend a fortune, get some feather steak (also known as flat iron steak).

If you want to cook the perfect steak, whichever cut you choose, keep these points in mind

Get the steak out of the fridge and bring it to room temperature.  Take it out about an hour before.

Make sure you pan is toasty, super dooper hot to caramelise the meat. Tasty.

Cook the steak medium rare to medium, you don’t want a tough old boot!  Turn your steak every minute to ensure that it cooks evenly.

Let the steak rest.



Here is an infographic from Barbecoa Jamie Oliver to give you an idea of how to cook a delicious steak. Give it a click for a bigger image.

How_To_Cook_The_Perfect_Steak_FINAL_high res



About Emma 3602 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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