Kaldis 50 Edinburgh Road, Swinton/Ballieston, Glasgow G69 6DN

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Where is it:-[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=G69+6DN&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=157.724206,360&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=55.860429,-4.103909&spn=0.016859,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

To drink, I asked for an orange juice and stupidly expected something fresh but instead got a pint glassed filled with diluted orange. Hmm…

I opted for the Pâté, which was passable but very bland. As is often the case with pâté it came with 3 meagre oatcakes.

Their Bruschetta is basically a 12” pizza base, with a few flimsy pieces of tomato and basil on top. For a starter there was quite a lot there, not that much of it was any good. It was all too doughy without any real taste and it was overcooked around the edges.

The soup of the day was lentil and was ok. Bread supplied was boring pan bread.

Main Courses
The fish tea arrived minus the tea. The fish in breadcrumbs was cheap and straight out the freezer. Accompanying chips and salad were blah.

The spaghetti carbonara was a tiny portion for £7-odd and it wasn’t even good spaghetti, no this was cheap cheap cheesy pasta. Urgh. Add to that some fatty ham, and I was also only given a spoon to eat it with!

The ‘Roma’ pasta with Penne was a bit dearer than the carbonara but was twice the size, and the chicken meat looked to be of a higher standard than the carbonara ham. It was also a bit tastier, though that wouldn’t be hard.

To finish we had coffee, which they surprisingly managed to get right.

Overall Verdict: Pretty awful for the price, ok, so as far as restaurants go it comes in at the cheaper end of the scale but there were some dearer mains on the menu (£10+) and given how they messed up the cheap dishes (how can you make a mess of pasta!?) I wouldn’t trust them at all. Pay a bit more elsewhere and you could have a meal that’s ten times better…

About Emma 3596 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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