Leo’s, Fenwick Road, Giffnock – Jan 2008 ***CLOSED***

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EDIT: This is now Tribeca South. See our review here.

Leo’s, formerly Wilson’s, 1 Fenwick Road, Giffnock

£14.70 for two focaccia and fries, one with steak, mushrooms and cheese, the other mediterranean vegetables (peppers, courgettes and cheese). As well as a pot of tea each.

Friendly service, pleasant surroundings and nice food 🙂

P.S went back again and the service was notably frosty to others – bit of a snob attitude to someone who wanted a breakfast at lunch time, then bitched about them when they left hmm  not good!

Where is it:- Leo’s

[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=leos+giffnock&ie=UTF8&ll=55.818741,-4.287758&spn=0.023438,0.054588&t=p&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=55812195,-4292002,5293625593171364538&output=embed&s=AARTsJoBaipLDUMMV26jf9fCYZ52EDP7Hg&w=425&h=350]

About Emma 3604 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.


  1. This is a nice little no frills diner which looks a little better now that it’s been given a slight make over and added draft lager.

    The food is fine but the management could be a little more imaginative with the music as it sounds like the owner’s own (bad) cd collection at times.

    They could also do with waking up a few of the staff who sometimes can’t spot empty plates sitting on tables and prioritise the wrong things – standing having a blether while your table needs cleared, that sort of thing.

    Also, as per the above review – when you’re a struggling business, I’d suggest your kitchen serve the poor guy breakfast and if the staff really can’t control the chef then they could at least apologise to the man and not bitch about him afterwards. You never know, he might be Michael Douglas in Falling Down.

    I wish it luck and hope it sorts out the music.

  2. Had a fab night with live music. A great sociable place to meet with great atmostphere. Will always be a pleasure to eat, drink and get together with friends

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