Where is it:-
[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=grand+fish+and+chips+glasgow&sll=55.860068,-4.247375&sspn=0.021749,0.066047&ie=UTF8&cid=11373392757623952552&ll=55.889561,-4.231453&spn=0.067386,0.145912&z=12&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Part of the Baby Grand group, which is usually high on quality. I’d walked past here numerous times and while walking past on a Wednesday spotted a sign that said half price fish & chips and burgers on a Wednesday. The following Wednesday we were there at lunchtime yet there was only 1 couple eating. Hmm…the waitress who was polite took our orders quickly and the food was delivered promptly. The fish was good, chips passable but the mushy peas were hard and lumpy. Definitely not worth the full price of £9 or thereabouts. The bill was delivered quickly and the waitress was again pleasant, but then she had no one else to attend to! 2 fish & chips and 2 soft drinks = just over £12. For the same amount of money you can have a far tastier fish tea at the chippy doon the lane.
I’ve walked past here since and see that it’s closed for refurbishment, maybe it will be better when it returns.
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