Food Review: Mac and Cheese Pot Noodle

Mac and cheese pot noodle

I love Mac & Cheese and being an ex-student I still enjoy a pot noodle once in a while so when I saw a Mac & Cheese pot noodle, well I just had to!

Mac and cheese pot noodle

Opening the pot there is a sachet of tomato sauce.  To sauce or not? I decided to sauce. I thought I’d be a devil.

A few swirls of the fork and a few minutes later it was time to eat.

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Sweet and a bit like ready grated Parmesan in a tub but then it soon hit me, Quavers! That’s the smell!


Looks like a diet carbonara.  Creamy coated noodles with not much colour.

Mac and cheese pot noodle


It’s the usual pot noodle noodles covered in a very fake cheese sauce.  The noodles are OK, but the cheese is plasticky and not tasty at all.  The sauce is creamy and covers the noodles well.

Mac and cheese pot noodle


Not for me.  Nothing remotely Mac & Cheese like.  I like a packet of Quavers now and again but Quaver flavoured Pot Noodle?  Er, no thanks!

About Emma 3612 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

1 Comment

  1. worse pot noodle flavor ever that fake cheese stuff is disgusting , I had to put so much pepper sauce and ketchup to make it taste decent and I still couldn’t finish it

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