Obvious chain decor and multi waiter service let this venue down
average middle of the road italian food, not real stuff mass produced
two courses for £10
Garlic Mushrooms
Whole Button Mushrooms Sautéed in Garlic Sauce – heinz tomato soup tasting sauce, boring.
Red Onion & Tomato Bruschetta – far too much topping and not enough flavour – overpowered by balsamic dressing.
Papperdelle Rustica 8.25
Large ribbon pasta in a tomato sauce with Italian sausage pieces, sweet peppers, red onions and a hint of chilli
Spaghetti Carbonara 7.95
Smoked bacon sauted in garlic butter with fresh cream
Where is it:-
Di Maggios
[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Di+Maggios&sll=55.887635,-4.255142&sspn=0.18715,0.436707&ie=UTF8&ll=55.866835,-4.249134&spn=0.022252,0.054588&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=55859906,-4253326,2904868305587895291&output=embed&s=AARTsJp9-g-dGUdcnfYRTW39ucykuhLJEw&w=425&h=350]
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