Clean Cakes by Henrietta Inman is a feast for the eyes and the stomach! It is an ideal purchase for those on a restricted or wishing to follow an alternative diet as the recipes are free from gluten, dairy and refined sugar.
Henrietta starts “Clean Cakes” by explaining the alternatives to sugar, gluten and dairy. It’s easy to follow and perfect for those just setting out on a restricted diet or for those who wish to cut down on the amount of refined sugar in their diet. She goes onto explain different ways of making your cakes taste delicious with flavour enhancers such as flowers and herbs. Simple but effective additions to your cooking. Moving then onto easily explaining how to stock your gluten, dairy and sugar-free larder.
Basic recipes on nut butter, nut milk and pastry lead the way into the main part of the book – the recipes. Pages and pages of delicious looking cakes. My own attempts may not have looked as good, but they did taste good!
Sections include ‘All the cakes’, ‘Muffins, loaf cakes & breads’, Biscuits, ‘Brownies & Bars’, ‘Gorgeous tarts & sumptuous pies’, ‘Raw desserts’, ‘Chocolate, petit fours and little clean treats’, and finally stockists and suppliers.
This would make an excellent gift to someone struggling with their new regime or just for yourself to splash some wholesome cake recipes into your repertoire.
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