Step into Springtime with this delightful Spring tea recipe.
Time to wake up your body with a lovely cleansing tea after feeling sluggish throughout the winter months. Here is an opportunity to change your usual cup of tea for a homemade spring herbal infusion to enhance your health. Herbal teas have a great capacity to uplift your mood or give you an inner boost to your whole metabolism.
In days gone by – the phrase eat your greens was a common statement. Now we can drink our greens and even better as our favourite pastime (tea drinking).
Learning different ways with nature’s bounty can open up a whole new variety of tastes, smells and textures that you may never have experienced.
Nettle Leaves, Dandelion Leaves, and Cleavers are herbs packed with nutrition and spring cleansing benefits to refresh and revitalise you after a long sluggish winter.
They can be picked from the wild or weeded from your own or friend’s gardens. You may wish to use washing-up gloves and scissors to prevent nettle stings.
Spring Tea Recipe
Equal proportions: Nettle Leaves, Dandelion Leaves, Cleavers Herb
• Remove any debris, rinse clean with water and drain in a colander.
• Spread out evenly on a clean surface or drying rack and allow to dry for 3-5 days or until feels crisp and crumbles easily.
• To enhance the flavour and therapeutic benefits, you can also add chamomile flowers, peppermint and fennel which are easily available in supermarkets.
Alternatively, these are all available as individual herbs or blended from your local herbalists.
• Add 1 tsp of dried herbs (or tablespoon fresh) per cup or mug of boiled water
• Cover and infuse for 5-10min, strain off plant material and drink 3 cups daily, while generally increasing greens in your diet for best results.
Fiona Morris is a Medical Herbalist, Holistic Therapist and Natural Healing Guide for Nourish and Flourish, offering holistic herbal healthcare consultations and events from Peebles, Scottish Borders and Neal’s Yard Remedies Edinburgh.
Find out more at:
www.fionamorrisherbalist.co.uk & connect on www.facebook.com/NourishandFlourish
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