Calling all Glasgow Head Chefs! Be a part of the mission to train the next generation of chefs for Scotland!
Whether you have been involved from the start, or only just finding out about the ‘Determined to Cook’ programme, I am sure you will be pleased to know that Glasgow City Council are committed to helping Glasgow’s School Children gain new skills and improve career prospects by running this programme for the 3rd year!
There are over 3000 chef vacancies across Scotland, and together Tennent’s Training Academy and Glasgow City Council are helping to give young people the skills they need to secure a great start in the hospitality industry.
Determined to Cook is a competition starting in August 2013. 15 schools will take part from all over Glasgow. Training each week in their class room to gain new chef skills and techniques, whilst creating (what the pupils will hope to be) the competitions overall winning menu.
The prestigious final cook off will be held at The Tennent’s Training Academy in march 2014..where the final 3 schools will battle it out in front of industry specialist judges, to win the coveted award as DTC Champions!
This is a great programme to be involved with and very rewarding and we could not have done it without the help & support of our fantastic Chef Mentors from 2012 & 2013.
If you are a Head Chef and you can spare just 2 hours a month (From August-March) to mentor a home economics class in their school. Please contact me to express your interest and preferred school.
Mentors will be selected in July 2013. All questions welcome, if you’d like to be involved in some way please get in touch.
We are also looking for work experience placements for the budding chefs, so if you can offer a young person a week or twos experience in your kitchen next year, we would be most grateful!
Special thanks to last year’s supporters goes to:
Blue Arrow, Millennium Hotel, Hilton Strathclyde, Glasgow Science Centre, Compass Group (Levey’s @ SECC), The Bothy Glasgow, Arta, Mitchell’s Restaurant, Gamba, The Beardmore Hotel, Hilton Dunblane Hydro, Hilton Glasgow, Tennent’s SVQ Team, Tennent’s Cook School, The Byre and Continental Chef Supplies!
Contact Stephanie Wade | Sales & Operations Manager
TENNENT’S TRAINING ACADEMY | Wellpark Brewery | 161 Duke Street, Glasgow G31 1JD
T. +44 (0)141 553 0010 M. 07768105396 | E. stephanie.wade@tennentstrainingacademy.co.uk<mailto:stephanie.wade@tennentstrainingacademy.co.uk>
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