Nespresso enter on the go coffee market with The Nespresso Bar

the nespresso bar london

The Nespresso Bar opens in London’s Liverpool Street with further locations to come

Nespresso UK has launched a new coffee shop concept titled ‘The Nespresso Bar’ at a location close to Liverpool Street station in central London.

the nespresso bar london
credit, the nespresso bar london

As well as the current Nespresso offering for coffee drinkers of two at-home portioned coffee systems, Vertuo and Original. With 80% of coffee drinkers visiting a coffee shop at least once a week in the UK and over 12.8 billion cups of coffee consumed outside the home last year.  The Nespresso Bar is a new way for coffee lovers to engage with the brand.

Anna Lundstrom, CEO at Nespresso UK & ROI, said: “The on-the-go coffee experience is now an intrinsic part of the UK community, with 11 million of us visiting coffee shops across the country every day. The Nespresso Bar represents an exciting opportunity to reach new customers in a new way; with an elevated customer experience combined with the joy of coffee discovery.”

The Nespresso Bar operates with a Nespresso Professional set-up, delivering unmatched in-cup quality cup after cup with an Agulia 440, equipped for up to 400 coffees per hour.

the nespresso bar london
Credit, The Nespresso Bar, London

Where to find The Nespresso Bar

The Nespresso Bar,74-75 Old Broad St, London EC2M 1QT




I am Emma and with my husband Mark write Foodie Explorers, which is a food and travel website.

I am a member of the Guild of Food Writers and British Guild of Travel Writers.

We have a wide range of judging experience covering products, hotels and have judged, for example, for Great Taste Awards and Scottish Baker of the Year.

Along the way Mark gained WSET Level 2 in Wine and I have WSET Level 2 in Spirits as well as picking up an award with The Scotsman Food and Drink Awards.    

Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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