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Recipe: Tomato Sauce


  • 4 x 400g tins of peeled plum tomatoes.
  • 200 g of tomato puree.
  • 1 head of celery plus roughly the same weight of carrots and onions.
  • 6 bay leafs
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • A good glug of olive oil
  • Any fresh green herbs you have that are looking a bit wilted


  • Peel, trim and wash the carrot, onion and celery, then chop them roughly.
  • Put a good glug of olive oil in a 3 to 5 litre pot.
  • Add the vegetables, peeled garlic and bay leafs.
  • Put a lid on the pot and cook on a low heat for about an hour - until the veg is soft.Add the tinned tomatoes and tomato puree.
  • Add any fresh green herbs you have.
  • Add enough water to leave the vegetables just sticking above the surface.
  • Put a lid on the pot and cook on a low heat for about an hour.
  • Let the mixture cool.
  • Puree the mixture with a liquidiser or hand blender.
  • If you have one, pass the mixture through the finest disc of a food mill. It will produce a tastier sauce with a silky texture.
  • Store the sauce in convenient  amounts in the freezer. I find 500g tubs to be about right. Use plastic storage boxes, washed butter tubs or plastic bags.